Thursday, August 19, 2010

The AVOCADO Didn't Fall Far From the Tree

What's four weeks squared?  Sixteen weeks!  It's been an amazing first four months of pregnancy.  Baby Campos is now the size of an avocado, developing strong bones and facial features.  At this stage it's safe to start taking bets on who the baby will look more like, Mommy or Daddy.  Without boring you with a lesson on dominant and recessive genes, there are a few characteristics that will definitely show up: black hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and great karaoke skills.

But when making baby guacamole, you have to consider which ingredients from each family tree will be mixed in.  A teaspoon or tablespoon of the Itchon nose?  A sprig or bunch of the Campos eyelashes?  Will there be enough items added together for a full serving of height?  When everything's combined, will the finished product be bitter or sweet?  With so many possibilities, it's hard to imagine what the perfect recipe will be.  But if we could see Baby Campos now, our little avocado would be making faces and hiccupping.  So it looks like we're at equal parts so far: one cup each of Mommy's evil stare and Daddy's drunk hiccups.

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